2016A Review of Crossroads Center
Addiction Recovery / Addiction Reference Articles / Addiction Treatment / Alcohol Abuse / Alcohol Addiction / Alcohol Rehab Centers / Alcohol Treatment / Drug Abuse / Drug Addiction / Drug Rehab / Drug Treatment Centers / Heroin Addiction / Heroin Detox / Heroin Recovery / Heroin Treatment / Substance Abuse / Treatment Centers Posted by admin
The Crossroads Center is a behavioral health provider in Cincinnati, Ohio that offers a full range of treatment and recovery care for substance use, chemical addiction, and mental health conditions. Their treatment programs are obtained in outpatient and residential settings providing holistic individualized care.
The Crossroads Center in Ohio provides the highest level of quality evidence based behavioral healthcare to adolescents, adults and families. Their services include client assessments, substance abuse treatment, chemical dependency treatment, medication assisted treatment for opioid addiction and treatment for mental illness.