Other Forms of Drug Abuse

Drug abuse is a large problem across the nation. The government continues its work to attempt to rid the nation of problems surrounding drugs such as Marijuana, Cocaine, and Meth. A major problem that has arisen, however, is the issue surrounding other forms of drug abuse. These other forms of drug abuse are hard to track, and hard to find. The people abusing these drugs can do so in privacy with no actual trace.

Many people find a way to substance abuse through use of prescription pills. Some may get them from buying them; others become hooked on medications that were once prescribed for them. In either case, drug abuse with pills is a dangerous way to use drugs. Those taking pills that are not currently prescribed for them can put themselves at serious risk for health issues. Unfortunately, it is possible to hide prescription pill drug abuse fairly easily.

Others find ways to drug abuse through abusing cold medicines, such as Robetuessin, for their drug needs. Because these cold medicines feature alcohol, some abuse them to get high, or to go “robo-tripping”. This phrase refers to the feeling of “high” that can be achieved through abusing these medicines in a way that they are not meant to be used.

Huffing is another issue related to drug abuse. By sniffing the fumes as directly as possible from aerosol cans, many kids have found a way to drug abuse right in their own home. Unfortunately, one of the major side effects from huffing is death. This type of abuse is the most important for addiction treatment.

Each of the three versions of drug abuse listed her are not actual drugs, but are just as harmful and problematic. All of these substances can be found in any household and are hard to track; this is precisely why these are considered as dangerous as they are.